When Denver Connors is rushed to the hospital by their roommate Sara Bala, it becomes obvious that they have been hiding their illness to avoid the transphobic medical system. Thankful for Sara’s help, Denver has to now navigate the system while also bearing witness as their friend finally begins to understand how awful it can be and learn to support them as they need, not as Sara wants.
Genre: Drama
Format: Feature Film
Key Creatives
Writer & Director: Lora Campbell
Producers: Chris Yurkovich, Fonna Seidu
Associate Producer: Noella Denny
Stonewalled was shortlisted for the Talent to Watch Program
The project was a participant in the Attagirl Incubator program. The Attagirl program assigned Mentor, Michele Turnure-Salleo who regularly develops, finances, and produces independent films, alongside Script Editor, Emma Clarke.